Friday, November 16, 2007


A dark cloud engulfs,
A barrier is reached.
Try as I may,
The wall cannot be breached.

Efforts go in vain,
Resources depleted.
The task set forth,
Cannot be completed.

A mission thwarted,
A battle lost.
A loss of pride
Failure has cost.

The taunts and cackles,
Loom large around me.
Always blocking the success
That I can’t seem to see.

Failure trickles like the blood
That rushes to my head.
I lie cold on the floor
Wishing I were dead.


Francis Thomas said...

finally you admit failure!


nice work.

Soul Less Curry said...

A mission thwarted,
A battle lost.
A loss of pride
Failure has cost.

Me against the world.. or me against myself..
Against whom the fight is.. I wonder..
But I know I'll win at the end..
for till then, I just won't surrender..